small differences

~ hoping that differences can be made with small steps ~

about all of this

Thank you for stopping by ~ this blog has a bit of a different purpose.

Over the past little while, I have been finding a little following for my hand knits and while I give quite a few away, some have been sold.

I have decided that for every scarf that I sell or give away ... I will make a donation of $5 to the MS Society in Canada.

So, I am hoping that small steps can make a difference ~ my personal journey of helping a little at a time

~ warmth and best wishes ~

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Small gifts 2013

Once again, this year … I did my best to make scarves for everyone on my list and then some.
I love that my skills are getting better and better, and that I am becoming more experienced.

I am getting wonderful feedback from my clients and from those whom I have past along the warmth of a hand knit scarf.

Two in particular will go back to Japan this year with a family that I have met over the past 6 months and that I have become good friends with! I hope that they will keep them warm in the damp Tokyo winters. Warmth to you Tomoko!

And once again, I have given a small but hopefully useful donation to the MS society in hopes of paying a little something forward.

Warmth and best wishes,